What I’ve done

Hi there and thanks for reading.  I’ve tried blogging before, with no luck, but here I am thinking why not give it another try?  I’m working on accomplishing my goal of running a distance race of 13.1 or longer in all 50 states and I’m losing a bit of motivation at this point.  That’s why I think some reflecting on the past as well as jotting down my daily accomplishments might help get it back and move further down this road to finish my goal.

So to this point, here is what I’ve done:

March, 2010 – Disney Princess Half Marathon – 2:21:15 – 3297
January, 2011 – Walt Disney World Marathon – 5:16:15 – 8017
January, 2012 – Walt Disney World Marathon – 4:46:15 – 5325

May, 2010 – Broad Street Run – 1:45:34 – 16107
September, 2011 – Rock N Roll Phila Half Marathon – 2:18:31 – 11558
May, 2102 -Broad Street Run – 1:37:25 – 18858

Rhode Island
August, 2011 – Rock N Roll Providence Half Marathon – 2:29:14 – 4140

September, 2011 – Disneyland Half Marathon – 2:23:30 – 4368

March, 2012  -Caesar Rodney Half Marathon – 2:04:46 – 999

August, 2012 – Pike’s Peak Ascent – 5:59:36 – 539

And that’s it so far.  Looking back, I’m pretty darn proud of my accomplishments, and you can definitely tell I’m getting better!  Next up: The Atlantic City Half Marathon (October, New Jersey) and the 20th Anniversary Walt Disney World Marathon.  I also need to start planning for 2013.  I’m thinking Virginia Beach’s Shamrock 1/2, Kentucky Derby 1/2, Indy 500 1/2, The Scream, Area 13.1, Smuttynose 1/2, and Baltimore 1/2.  I know that’s a lot, but how great would that be to get that many states in one year??

Well, I’ll keep you updated on my progress.  On the workout regimen today is 3 miles.  Now just to find the time to squeeze it in!

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